Annotation. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the psychological well-being of the teacher’s personality has not been sufficiently studied as a separate category. The article examines psychological well-being as a condition for the realization of the psychological needs of a teacher in the form of autonomy, competence and connectedness in the process of participation in the work of professional learning communities from the standpoint of positive psychology, the concepts of self-determination and event community. In this regard, this article aims to identify the relationship between the level of satisfaction of basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, connectedness) and the level of psychological well-being of teachers in the professional learning community. The research methods included the method of K. Riff “Scale of Psychological Well-Being” adapted by P. P. Fesenko, T. D. Shevelenkova, the questionnaire “Spectrum of Psychological Health” by K. Keyes, the Russian translation of the “Scale of Satisfaction of Basic Needs at Work” by D. A. Leontiev and E. N. Osin. The study sample included 50 teachers from two schools in the cities of Minusinsk and Aban in Krasnoyarsk Krai. The experimental group included 25 teachers who were members of the professional learning community, and the control group included 25 teachers who had not been trained in the professional learning community.
The results of the study revealed that the level of satisfaction of basic psychological needs of teachers in the experimental group participating in the work of the professional learning community is higher than that of teachers not included in the community. Members of professional learning communities have higher levels of satisfaction of needs for relatedness, autonomy, and competence than teachers who do not participate in the activities of a professional learning community.
Keywords: well-being, psychological well-being, professional learning community, basic psychological needs, positive psychology.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of working with media texts of professional communication in a fire-technical university in classes on the Russian language and speech culture. The paper examines the didactic potential of media texts and their role in the further professional activities of students, describes the principle of selecting texts and methods of working with them in training sessions, expanding knowledge about the genres of professional communication speech, their functions using the example of media texts, ways of interpreting texts of some professionally significant speech genres in order to further improve the communicative and professional competence of students.
Keywords: media text, information, communicative competence, professional competence, genres of speech, fire safety.
Annotation. The study aims to examine the role of culture in the formation of spatial thinking in preschool children. In the context of globalization and migration, understanding cross-cultural differences is of particular importance. The influence of cultural factors on cognitive development is analyzed, which is important for the development of effective educational programs that take into account the individual needs of children from different ethnic and social groups. Spatial thinking is considered as a key component of cognitive development, including the perception, interpretation and manipulation of spatial relationships. Domestic science identifies several areas of development of spatial thinking through musical, artistic and aesthetic classes and work with fiction texts. The concept of cultural congruence emphasizes the connection of spatial thinking with cultural norms and practices. Research examples show differences in the perception and use of space by children from different cultures, reflecting an emphasis on individualism or collectivism. In addition, the study considers how the cultural environment affects the perception of basic geometric shapes and spatial symmetry. Differences in preferences of children from countries with different cultural traditions were found — for example, East Asian children are more likely to focus on harmony and symmetry, while Western children tend to focus on individual elements. This indicates a profound influence of cultural values on cognitive processes. The results of the work will help to adapt educational methods to specific socio-cultural conditions, promoting the development of necessary spatial skills in children.
Keywords: preschoolers, cognitive development, spatial thinking, culture, cultural congruence, education in different countries, traditions.
Abstract. The proposed article examines the results of a study of the specifics of training future teachers in the context of introducing neural networks into the process of pedagogical education: adjusting the relevant methodological systems, teaching students how to correctly use neural networks, and developing the ability to use the functional capabilities of the Russian language when making requests to artificial intelligence. There are given the examples of prompts that lead to artificial intelligence not solving the assigned tasks quite correctly. The article contains the answers to the questions identified as a result of the research of the implementation of neural networks in the process of pedagogical education: on the use of language functional capabilities by users of neural networks; on the need to teach students how to use artificial intelligence, in particular on the correctness of prompts and links to neural networks. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of possible risks associated with the digitalization of educational processes in teacher training.
Keywords: generative artificial intelligence, digitalization of pedagogical education, methodological teaching systems, mathematical information processing
Annotation: The article examines the artistic features of the genre book of poetry in modern Russian poetry. Using the example of the analysis of S. Zavyalov’s poetry collection «Odes and Epodes» (1994), the main trends in the development of the genre book as a major poetic form are outlined. In the course of the research, attention is drawn to the peculiarities of author’s strategies when creating a genre book that demonstrates the author’s worldview as an integral artistic system. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the modern genre system tends to blur the canon, flexibility and heterogeneity of its forms. Synthesizing the genre features of odes, tragedies, and dramas, S. Zavyalov enhances the tragic sound of the main poetic idea of the book – the pain for the fate of the small Finno-Ugric peoples, the loss of national identity. The article proves that the plot-forming motifs of the book of poetry «Odes and Epodes» are the motifs of death and destruction, which is emphasized by its complex architectonics and genre reincarnation. Through the visual disintegration of the text («text-ruin»), semantic voids, grammatical and syntactic violations, ancient archaism (ancient, biblical, Finno-Ugric plots and images), the poet emphasizes the scale of the «national catastrophe».
Keywords: S. Zavyalov, genre book of poetry, «text-ruin», genre synthesis, ancient and biblical images, Finno-Ugric context.
Abstract. The article presents a psychological analysis of play practices and toys as effective tools of cognitive, metacognitive and personal development of modern children and adolescents. It also analyzes the role of toys as an instrument of “soft power”: as a means of forming cultural values and attitudes. The analysis of the game products indoctrinating influence on the child’s psyche on the example of “Soviet toys” is presented. The main tendencies in the change and development of modern play are revealed: the increase in the variability of play practices and further increase in their technology, the displacement of traditional play by digital play, the disappearance of the phenomenon of yard play, the emergence of play as a significant activity beyond the preschool age. The phenomena of dysontogenesis of children’s play — its simplification, stereotypicality, short duration, etc. — are noted. Due to the processes of globalization and the transition of modern society to the era of postmodernity, radical pluralism in the consumer market there are games and toys from manufacturers of different countries that have a multidirectional influence on the children’s audience. This requires teachers and child psychologists to be competent in assessing the value (and, most importantly, moral) aspects and contexts of games and toys. Also, specialists should be able to identify and neutralize the negative indoctrination influence represented in game products, develop the value and meaning sphere of children, manage game practices in the interests of harmonious development of the child’s personality.
Keywords: play, toys, play practices, soft power tools, cognitive development, metacognitive development, personal development, indoctrination.
Annotation. The relevance of the research undertaken in this article is due to the fact that in the system of practice-oriented tasks developed to ensure communicative interaction among schoolchildren, attention is not always paid to the possibilities of receiving interlingual comparisons. Meanwhile, this technique is most effective when learning your native and first foreign languages. It also helps to update interdisciplinary connections. Interlingual comparisons provide a communicative interaction that allows students to see the relationship between the languages they are learning, which helps increase their motivation, develops critical thinking skills in children as they learn to reason about differences and similarities, build logical connections and draw valid conclusions.
With the help of the game, you can relieve psychological fatigue; it can be used to mobilize the mental efforts of students, to develop organizational skills in children, to instill self-discipline skills, and to create an atmosphere of joy in the classroom.
Keywords: communicative interaction, technique, interlingual comparisons, interdisciplinary connections, speech etiquette.
Annotation. The article discusses the creation of a digital online platform of educational games «Profdvizhe» for primary school teachers for the early professionalization of children aged 7-11 years, which is able to help teachers, use ready-made educational games in their educational work during regular and extracurricular hours. The development of an online service plays a crucial role in improving the quality of early professionalization work and creating an interesting learning experience for younger students. This article describes the aspect of designing, developing and implementing educational online games for educational institutions.
Keywords: educational gaming platform, early professionalization, educational games, online services.
Abstract. The relevance of the study undertaken in this article is due to the fact that in the rich system of methodological techniques aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech as one of the most important conditions for improving the linguistic personality, cognitive tasks are often ignored. However, such a technique is most effective in learning the Russian language, since it contributes to the development of linguistic thinking and improvement of language proficiency. Addressing cognitive tasks in the process of organizing work aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech makes it possible not only to draw the attention of schoolchildren to the existing relationship, for example, between synonymous syntactic constructions, but also helps to increase their motivation. This is due to the fact that students are increasingly beginning to master the language as the most important tool for expressing and generating thoughts and developing the linguistic personality of a native speaker. By means of cognitive tasks, it is possible to focus the attention of students on a particular linguistic phenomenon that is especially significant. The cognitive task can be successfully used as a means of activating mental activity in the process of work aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech and improving the linguistic personality of students.
Keywords: grammatical structure of speech, linguistic thinking, cognitive tasks, linguistic personality.
Annotation. A large number of psychological and pedagogical studies are devoted to the study of the formation of cognitive needs of schoolchildren as a foundation for the emergence and development of learning motivation, and, nevertheless, the relevance of solving various aspects of the key problem of the practice of school education remains relevant. The purpose of our study is to identify and study the relationship between life satisfaction and the level of intensity of formation of cognitive needs of adolescent students, as well as the possible mutual influence of the studied phenomena. The study was conducted on the basis of a comprehensive school in Moscow, in which 678 adolescents in the age category of 14-15 years old (7-8 grades) participated. The methodology of V.S. Yurkevich to identify the intensity of cognitive needs and the Satisfaction Scale of E. Diener were used. Statistically significant connections were obtained between life satisfaction and — frequent mental activity (,753**); — preference of a difficult question on “intelligence” (,683**); — reading additional literature (,766**); — emotional and positive attitude to an interesting task (,782**); — activity at the lesson in the form of questions to the teacher (,649**) at ** — significance level p ≤ 0,01. According to the results of regression analysis it was revealed that adolescents’ life satisfaction can be considered as a predictor of the frequency of schoolchildren’s mental activity (B=0.096 at a significance level of 0.012 and R2 = 0.009) and such form of activity in the classroom as questions to the teacher (B=0.127, significance level 0.001, R2 = 0.016.). The hypotheses of the study are confirmed, in particular, significant relationships between life satisfaction of adolescent schoolchildren and cognitive need are established; it is proved that life satisfaction of adolescent students can be considered as a predictor determining the development of cognitive need.
Keywords: adolescent schoolchildren, educational environment, cognitive need, life satisfaction.
Annotation. This article is devoted to the description of an experimental study aimed at the development of spatial representations of preschool and primary school children through robotics. In the theoretical part of the study, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, the possibility of developing spatial representations on the basis of robotics in preschool and junior school age is substantiated. It was revealed that the use of robotics and robot construction elements in preschool and ECE classes contributes to the transformation of the abstract concept of ‘space’ into a visual form. Foreign studies emphasise that interactivity and feedback from robots help to accelerate the process of learning the concepts of sequence and rhythmicity in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren.
The experimental part of the study is based on the author’s educational robotics programme ‘Journey on the Time Machine’, which is aimed at the development of spatial representations on the basis of engineering and technical skills in children aged 5-8. The results of the experimental study showed that the majority of children (45%) from the preschool group and (53%) from the primary school group increased the level of development of spatial representations and the level of development of exploratory planning skill.
Keywords: spatial representations, robotics, senior preschoolers, primary school, cognitive development, junior schoolchild, preschool educational institution.
Annotation. This theoretical article is devoted to the review of the main directions and ways of development of spatial representations as a part of cognitive development of children of senior preschool and junior school age. It is primary purpose was to study the ways of development of spatial representations as a part of cognitive development of children of senior preschool and junior school age, analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization of the data obtained on the basis of theoretical analysis. In the main part of the article the analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches was carried out, which allowed to reveal 3 main approaches to the development of spatial representations as a part of cognitive development. To these directions domestic scientists referred: development on the material of fairy tales; development through the use of linguistic means of expression; development on the basis of orientation on their own body. All three directions complement each other and can be used simultaneously. They also noted that in the process of development as a part of cognitive development of children of senior preschool and junior school age a special role is played by the level of development of thinking, in general, and basic thinking functions, in particular.
Keywords: senior preschoolers, primary school, cognitive development, spatial representations, junior schoolchild, cognitive universal learning actions, thinking operations, preschool educational institution.
Annotation. The article examines the habits, character and stereotypes associated with the British, as well as their true nature. Current and popular ideas about the daily life of the British and the characteristics of their character are presented. Many stereotypes allow you to better understand the British lifestyle, which helps in learning a foreign language. Common ideas about the nation, the country’s culture, traditions, and customs are necessary for high-quality communication in English. They must be studied so that the student better understands the language he is learning. The article helps to get acquainted with many ideas about the life of the English, which will be useful to students of English.
Keywords: stereotype, lifestyle, culture, perception, language, national character.
Abstract. In The article examines issues related to the development of patriotic feelings and civic consciousness in preschool children in the context of the implementation of the long-term project “Our Motherland is a large, vast country…” and the involvement of parents in the educational process.
Keywords: russian traditional spiritual values, patriotic education, educational project, social partnership, involvement of parents in the educational process, forms of interaction with parents.
Annotation. This article presents a theoretical and analysis of the problem of information literacy formation in younger schoolchildren in the process of working on journalistic texts. In the context of the information society, the development of information literacy among children is a priority of education. Journalistic texts play a key role in this process, teaching students the skills of searching, analyzing and critically perceiving information. The main components of information literacy include evaluating and interpreting data, and critical thinking helps distinguish facts from opinions. Working with genres of journalism, such as articles and interviews, promotes the development of analytical skills, the ability to identify key ideas and understand the context. In elementary school, it is important to choose texts based on complexity and subject matter so that they are interesting and accessible to students. This creates an opportunity for conscious perception of information and the development of communication skills.
Keywords: information literacy, journalistic texts, information, information search, critical perception.
Annotation. The article examines the understudied historical and scientific problem of the influence of classical cognitivism on the development of Russian psychology of giftedness and creativity in the second half of the 20th century as the fundamental basis of modern metacognitivism at the beginning of the 21st century. The constructive impact of cognitivism on the study of abilities and giftedness, productive thinking, and the creative personality in the context of education and scientific creativity within various scientific schools of psychology is demonstrated.
Keywords: development, giftedness, creativity, productive thinking, creative personality, professional activity, cognition, cognitivism, metacognitivism, education, scientific school.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of preparing students of pedagogical universities for the organization of educational work with preschool children. In recent years, the preschool education system has undergone significant changes caused by the approved new and supplemented regulatory documents, which formed the basis for the development and implementation of the basic educational program of a preschool organization, including the organization of educational work. This article examines, from the point of view of history and modernity, the views of researchers on the importance of educating the younger generation, starting from preschool age, for the formation of their active social and personal position. The authors of the article believe that it is fundamentally important to understand what tasks need to be solved in the educational process with university students in order to prepare them for the organization of educational work in a preschool institution.
Keywords: upbringing of the younger generation, spiritual, moral and traditional values, upbringing of preschool children.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the speech portrait of the digital generation. One of the diagnostic spots of such a portrait is knowledge of culturally significant phraseological units of the Russian language, both modern, which have appeared in recent years, and outdated, but often found in Russian classical and modern literature, as well as those associated in origin with ancient mythology and the Bible.
Keywords: linguistic personality, speech portrait, phraseology, digital generation, zoomers.
Annotation. The modern educational system within the framework of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard sets the goal for teachers not only to transfer knowledge, but also to develop students’ skills in critical thinking, analysis and argumentation. One of the most important aspects of this process is teaching high school students how to write reasoning essays based on the «definition» topos. This task requires students to be able to structure their thoughts, logically present arguments and draw reasonable conclusions, which directly affects the development of their ability to analyze and evaluate what is happening both in society and in their own lives. Teaching senior students’ composition and reasoning is a complex but very important process that requires the use of various techniques. Modeling, problem – based learning, critical analysis, debate, and pattern-based techniques can all be effectively used to develop writing and critical thinking skills.
Keywords: OGE, essay-reasoning, rhetoric, creative works.